24 Hour Emergency Service

At your any medical emergency we are with you.

Personal Care

Provide personalized care based on your need.

Senior Citizen Care Centre

The perfect combination of healthcare with accommodation.

Our Services

Our Caring Approach Our personalized approach to care means that we can support our residents to live fulfilled and meaningful lives, with as little or as much support as they require.
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ডাক্তার কনসালটেন্সি

ডাক্তার হোম ভিজিট এবং ভিডিও কনসালটেন্সি

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হোম নার্সিং সেবা

ক্রিটিক্যাল পেশেন্ট/পোস্ট-অপারেটিভ কেয়ার

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প্যালিয়েটিভ কেয়ার

হসপিস এবং প্যালিয়েটিভ কেয়ার

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কেয়ারগিভার সার্ভিস

পার্সোনাল/জেরিয়াট্রিক কেয়ার

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ইন হাউস ডায়াগনস্টিক

স্যাম্পল হোম কালেকশন

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অ্যাম্বুলেন্স সার্ভিস

২৪ ঘন্টা অ্যাম্বুলেন্স সার্ভিস

Why Choose Us

ACRO Medical has gained a reputation among BRAC's Skill Development Department, PG Hospital's Palliative Care Unit, BRAC James p Grant School of Public Health (BRAC JPGSPH), BRAC University and many other organizations. But at the moment, due to some unforeseen incidents where many organizations are losing their place of trust, quality home service organizations like ours are also facing some questions. In this case, we are working tirelessly to bring back our acceptance and trust to the service recipients.
Trusted home care choice

A trusted service provider of home healthcare that is tailored to meet your individual needs.Read More

Accessible 24/7/365

24-hour access to services, 7 days a week, including all holidays and weekends.Read More

Total health care solutions

We provide dozens of healthcare solutions to tend to our patient’s needs.Read More

Right care by right person

Team of caregivers to deliver the best in-home care services and maintain a high quality of life for our valued cl...Read More

Cost-effective, quality treatment

A cost effective and comforting solution to residing in a hospital, nursing home, or assisted living community.Read More

One-to-one personal care

We are ready to provide up-to-the-minute service to the doorstep of our members at a reasonable price based on the...Read More

Our Doctors

Are you looking for a fixed personal doctor & diet consultation? Book your appointment now. Dial + 02-5504712 (9am - 6pm), 01315635321 (urgent) or can email us

Our Pricing Plan

Patient fees vary greatly with your age, your entitlement to subsidies, the duration & type of services we provide. We are happy to provide further information on request. Please enquire about our fees if you do not have our membership.

Our Gallery

Acro Medical has designed a comprehensive health management plan to make everyday living a healthy and joyful experience. Here is the gallery of Acro Medical contains the memories of our journey till now.
Complete Patient Care at home


Caregiver Service

The number of satisfied client


Oxygen Cylinder Rent

The number of satisfied client


Diagnostic Service

The number of satisfied client


Medical Products